Thursday, March 19, 2009

For My Little Girl!

First of all, I love both my children. Sceondly, I am extremely proud of both my children. I also love and am proud of their spouses.
But, this blog is for Stacey and just Stacey!!!
Being a wife and a mother is TOUGH! Couple that with working a full-time job and it can be overwhelming. BUT.....your momma did it! I only say that to say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your mom is truly an amazing woman in many different ways and you are your mother's daughter. It is just a season and one day you will look back and wonder where the time went. You are amazing as well because God created you that way. While it is easy to say, but harder to appreciate in the midst of life's daily know as well as I do He will not give you anything you cannot handle. While your mom was working and raising you and Trey, I was working two jobs for those first few years just so we could have a house, a nice car, and things you and Trey needed and a few you just wanted. (like the "mouth" baby) It will all pass!
Now, Tripp is a product of his age and each one of us spoiling him at every turn. Part of it he will outgrow. I know when he's bad....he's bad. At the same time, he is smart, handsome, loving, and innocent. There has to be discipline and I know you understand that and at this stage it has to be consistent and come from each of us. We'll do our part to help, but in the home and as a Christian...discipline is primarily Joey's responsibility...period! If you are going to be successful, Joey has to make up his mind to take the lead and be proactive. Any discipline you do is under the authority of Joey.
It's all good honey! You're too much like your father. I too, have many days where I would like to just get in the car and drive until I ran into a ocean somewhere.
In the meantime, don't stress over the house except those things from a health standpoint are imperative to keep clean. Toys strewn about are no big deal. In fact, they are reminders of the blessing you have received in Tripp and Makinley.
I love you.

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