Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Power of Three

This is all I'm going to lose!!
What would you do if the company you work for came to you and said, "hey...great job, I just gave you a $6,000 anual raise?" I know what I'd do because with Kroger it would take me 3 years to get that kind of increase, so I'd be pretty ecstatic.

With efusjon it has taken me 44 days and this is just the beginning. I haven't sold anything. I have invested some time telling folks about this tremendous investment you can have a limited risk with a huge potential. Personally, I don't understand "no" before you know. This thing is going global and this is the absolute "ground floor." It is simple. It is not a get rich quick scheme. It is not a pyramid scheme. It's not anything like anything you've ever seen or heard of before...period.

But, if you're happy and satisfied and content with making $$$ for the other guy, have fun and I'll never say "I told you so."

Well.........actually I probably will.