Friday, March 6, 2009

The ITCH!!

It's started!! Around this time every year I am thinking beach, ocean, breezes, sand, relaxing, sunshine, and it has started for 2009. We are just in the beginning stages of planning our family beach vacation and I have already started anxiously looking for cruises for Debbie and I in September. There is no better was to spend a day than sitting at the edge of the surf, digging your toes into the sand and letting the waves wash the sand away. Tough way to spend a day! And what about sleeping at the beach?? Are you kidding me? No better sleep in the world...well...maybe! It's a great sleep on a cruise ship as well, especially if the seas are up some and you can get the gentle wave action. It takes alittle bit of a swell to move a 110 ton ship, but believe me.....we've been in the middle of the Atlantic and seen the spray from the swell come over the bow of the ship. Now....Debbie didn't see it! She slept for about 17 hours because of the dramamine, but I was right in the middle of it and loving every second of it. The ocean is one of God's most awesome creations.
Last Sunday we got about 4" of snow. Today it's going to be 70 degrees. You've gotta love March!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow?? You're kidding, right?

Ok, so it snowed in metro Atlanta today. In fact, it started around 12:30PM and it's still coming down at 8:20PM as I write. Difference between the snow here and what we experienced when we lived in Virginia for 4 disappears here pretty quickly. Up there you get to look at it for weeks and it gets old pretty quickly. I will say it was awfully pretty today...big, big wet snowflakes falling and falling! Of course, there were hundreds of people that shopped....hundreds! It's great for business, but....never in hundreds of years has anyone ever been snowed in here in middle Georgia that excluded them from getting to the store for days on end. People are absolutely crazy. All you have to do is to watch the weather forecast to see it is going to be almost 50 degrees tomorrow and 75 degrees by Saturday. DUH!!! I guess the good thing about it is we will have days to get filled back up because there is no way anybody in our trade area needs to go grocery shopping anytime soon. There was a time today we had NO parking places and we had no shopping carts because they were all in use. You're talking upwards of 200 shopping carts!!!! Of course...even though the roads are clear...wet, but clear....everyone thinks it's OK to call out of work because of "treacherous" road conditions. You would never know there are problems with the economy because there are many that have no problem at all missing 8 hrs. of income. Granted, I believe there may be some "icing" issues when I roll out at 630AM in the morning to go back to work, but with alittle common sense and sound judgement...I fully expect to be on deck safe and sound by 7AM.
With that said, thank you Lord for a roof over my head and Debbie by my side. It will be a warm night@ Big Poppa Sheneman's house tonight!