Saturday, September 6, 2008

Carribean Is Calling

Only two more weeks and Debbie and I set sail to celebrate our 30th anniversary in the western carribean. Hopefully, by then all the different Hannah's, Gustav's, and Ike's will be distant memories and we will have calm seas and light winds. The last time we sailed out of Ft. Lauderdale on the biggest ship in the Princess fleet, we hit 12-15 ft. seas the first night which put Debbie in the bed for about 16 hours straight. Me......I was playing "Titanic" on the bow letting the spray from the high seas cover me. It was a blast...hard to sleep because of the rolling....but a BLAST!! She's not excited about flying to and from Tampa to catch the boat, but we'll figure out some type of tranquilizer for her.
Let me work and we are getting pounded right now.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Yesterday was a long, long day. I didn't sleep at all the night before, being in a motel room and away from home. I was excited after watching Sarah Palin's VP acceptance speech. I was up at 6AM and in class most of the day. Drove back to Madison and took the kids to dinner before finally getting home around 8PM. It was my goal to stay up and watch John McCain accept the Presidential nomination for the GOP, but......I crashed! What I do know getting up this morning is that the Presidential race is now a dead heat according to one poll I just heard, so I would say let the battle be joined.
I solicit your prayers this morning for Joey's mom and Stacey's mother-in-law, Linda Lancaster. She is at the hospital now having a biopsy done as a MRI has shown enlarged lymph nodes and a mass of some type on her spleen. May God's grace be sufficient and His will be done here on earth. I know that my God is bigger than any disease. He calls us to pray without ceasing and to pray BELIEVING. The faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Off to Agusta today to prepare to teach a management class all day tomorrow. Let's see.......yes............I hate driving to Augusta, I hate being cooped up in a meeting all day, and most importantly......I just hate being away from Debbie and home. I'm happy the Company thought enough of me to have me trained to teach this class to my peers, but there is this downside as well.
I am looking forward to listening to Sarah Palin accept the Republican VP nomination tonight and what she will have to say. I won't use my blog to say anything about the Democrat side of the ticket, but to me that alternative is very frightening. 9/11 has been forgotten by too many!! President Bush has kept our country from harm the past 7 years and I'm afraid that if the Democrats are elected and scale back our aggression towards terrorism...we only open the doors WIDE for them to attack us inside the continental United States. Additionally, we must return our country to the culture it was founded upon. I am excited as to what Governor Palin brings to the table and it's my prayer that a Holy God will intervene and give America one more chance to turn to Him before it is too late.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 2, 1983

It gets increasingly easier to understand some of God's Scriptures the older I get. We are but a "vapor in the wind" and our time in our earthly bodies is only an instant, a wink if you will when put in the context of eternity.
One of the happiest days of my life was September 2, 1983....25 years ago today when Trey entered into the world. Hard to believe the man I know today was once small enough to be held in one hand. As I reflect on his first 25 years, I am reminded at how blessed I have been to be a father of two wonderful children. I am humbled by how God has shown the kids His love and that our faith was never "forced" on the children. They each found their own way and made their own decisions when it came to whether or not they would follow the world or follow the Saviour. To Him, "a thousand years is but a day and a day is like a thousand years." Our time as parents will not end until we leave this earth. We are challenged to let our children grow and learn and to cling to their special someone. While it is difficult to step outside the box and let them experience life's obstacles on their is what we must do. Now, I find that much harder to accomplish than does Debbie....especially with Trey. A father has a different responsibility to raising a son versus raising a daughter. A son must learn responsibility as it pertains to leading, protecting, and supporting a family. While I have tried to model and encourage traits consistent with this philosophy...there have been times that I have fallen miserably short. My prayer is that for those times...I be forgiven. I love my son and I am so very proud of him and all the many things he has accomplished. God has a awesome plan for him and what He would have him to do to further His kingdom. Happy Birthday Trey! Stay the course and finish this race that you are on!