In today's world, there really is no such thing as customer service...more like customer "no-service." We have had internet problems for 2 weeks now. To make it worse, we had Direct TV installed this past Tuesday. It worked great when the technician left. Getting up Wednesday morning, I discovered the internet wouldn't access again so I called the provider. They came out and told me the Direct TV installer had cut the internet coaxial and I would have to get them back. After...listen to this...a total of 7 phone calls and 2 emails, the tech finally got here at 8:30PM tonight and had us back up and running in about 15 minutes. I have the computer prompts at Direct TV memorized now whenever I have to call them.
On a positive note, I received a Gold Key award this week at Kroger. One receives a key everytime there is a positive comment from a customer or an employee about something special you may have done. It's a relatively new recognition program the Company started. Once you have received 5 regular keys, you begin receiving gold keys on a lapel pin to wear. I now have my gold lapel pin + 2 keys. It's even more special because it came from our associates...the greatest in the Company and I am blessed daily by each one of them. Thank you.
One more week and vacation gotta love it!