Today is a thank-you day! Actually, everyday is a thank-you day, but often, I don't stop long enough to give thanks to the One that loved me enough to die for me and promise me eternal life and not only give me a home in heaven....but my family as well. So, thank you Lord!.
Today is my sister, Susan's, birthday. Thank you Lord for giving her the years that you have and I pray asking for many more. Bless her and those around her that she cares about.
Thank you again Lord for looking after my friend, Bubba, while he was in the hospital this week. I look forward to continued better health for him in the days ahead.
Thank you for my family. Debbie, Stacey, Joey, Tripp, Makinley, Trey, & Jennifer. I am blessed beyond measure.
Thank you for my church family, my Pastor, my Bible Study Fellowship, my choir. They empower me, love me, and pray for me.
Thank you for those that I call friend. You have placed some awesome people in my path and I am a better person because of it.
Thank you for my job of over 30 years and for the wonderful company that I work for.
Thank you for the great people I work with. They are awesome!!
Finally...for this moment...thank you for allowing me to see another day. I pray that you will guide my steps today and guide my tongue. Help me to be a blessing to those around me. Today and everyday, hide me behind the cross. Don't allow people that look at me to see me...allow them to see you.