It has been a day of reflection. Yesterday we received the news that my dad has a 2" tumor embedded in his spine that has already displaced his spinal cord. He was told that it would have to come out or he would face paralysis. Today he had a biopsy on the growth and we won't know for 24-48 hours what the results are. I know my dad has lived a long life. He has outlived my mom, his brother, his sister-in-law, many friends and other acquaintances. My dad is a proud man and puts on a facade most of the time that nothing phases him. While we have had our differences over the years, there has never been any doubt in my mind that if I ever needed anything...he would always be there. He is a member of the generation that was born shortly before the Great Depression and as a very young man...signed up to serve his country in the Army Air Corps during WWII. I know my father is awfully proud of his service to our country and I am equally proud of him. He is a patriot! My dad is literally the smartest man I know. He seems to know something about everything. He and I have had many great times together...typically on a beach somewhere from North Carolina to Alaska trying our best to catch a fish. My love for the ocean and fishing comes from my dad. My love for history....for flying and airplanes....for the woods and hunting....for putting family first.....for initiative....for hard work....for purpose....for speaking my mind and being my own person comes from my dad. I want my dad to live forever. I don't want my dad to be in pain or to suffer. I often think about how lonely he has been over the past 10 years since my mom passed away, but he insists on staying by himself and taking care of himself. One of the hardest things he has had to do over the past year was to give up his car when he couldn't get his license any longer because of failing eyesight. Like I said, he is a proud man. It's always been his way to do it his way. That's the way he rolls whether my sisters and I agree with it or not.I'm praying for my dad. I know God's will shall be done. I'm prayerful that God will continue to soften his heart that he may grow receptive to talk about spiritual things more openly. I'm praying that regardless of what the doctors say, God will show him His mercy and allow him to live out however many days he may have left without pain or any discomfort.I'm thankful to be Ed Sheneman's son. I'm thankful that God has allowed our relationship to be one that we can share our love for one another openly. If he were to never speak another word to me, I know that he loves me and that he is proud of me because he has told me so. To a son....that's all that matters!
We had a GREAT Thanksgiving! It was a early day for me as I got up at 4:30AM and went to the store for a few hours to check on things. By the time I got home, everyone was up and moving. I had made and baked two pecan pies the night before, so all we had to wait on was Willingham's Restaurant to get the main course cooked. What was supposed to be ready at 10:30AM, finally got loaded in my car at 12:30PM, but boy...was it GOOD. Baked ham, turkey breast, dressing, gravy, macaroni & cheese, brocolli & rice casserole, green beans, leseur peas, crescent rolls, deviled eggs, potato salad and Stacey's new recipe with rice, onions, and mushrooms. We also had pound cake, pumpkin pie, and a custard pie. Don't forget the sweet tea! Notice no sweet potatoes for our bunch.....we don't like them.I'm mindful of how God has blessed each of us in the past year. I am ever thankful for my family each and every day. Debbie and I have had over 30 wonderful years together. We have two wonderful children who love God and love others before themselves. We have been blessed with answered prayer in regards to the soul mates for our children. Our grandchildren are the smiles in every morning and the sunshine in every day. I'm thankful for my dad and my sisters and all they mean to me. There just aren't enough words. I am humbled by how God has smiled on us.