Saturday, December 26, 2009

Taking A Deep Breath!!

Wow! What a ride for the past 6 weeks! No time but Kroger time this time of year and I for one, am seriously glad that Christmas and Thanksgiving are behind us. While thankful for the holidays themselves and the wee bit of time I get to spend with my family, I am seriously ready for some "down" time. People that don't work in retail have absolutely no clue what goes on behind the scenes to make sure the customer is "happy" when they leave the store. It doesn't just apply to the Grocery is just about every retail company this time of year. I don't have a huge problem with the amount of business that we do, but I have a substantial issue with many "attitudes." People...get a life!! How would you like it if I came into your business and hollered at you over something you have no control over. Problem is, you don't want a legitimate explanation. Heck, you won't shut up long enough to even hear the words, "I'm sorry." I believe some customers actually walk in the door telling themselves our only service to them on that given day is to figure out new and inventive ways to take advantage of them. OK...I've got way better ways to spend my time.

OK, sorry. Someone just ame along and kicked my soapbox out from under me.