As we prepared to play one of the holes, I received a cell call from a friend with Kroger. He informed me that one of my best friends within the Company, David Pelfrey, had lost his daughter the night before. I have known David and valued his friendship since we lived in Savannah, GA many, many years ago. I was pleased to find out that when I was promoted to ZM with Kroger, David was one of my Store Managers and a great one at that. Now, he actually is the ZM in the very same zone I managed when we were in Virginia and I am extremely proud of all his accomplishments. My heart breaks for he and his wife, Theresa, and his other daughters.
It wasn't long after that phone call that Debbie called with more tragic news. Trey and Jennifer had visited the doctor to check on the state of their baby only to be informed via ultrasound, the baby had no heartbeat. I was overwhelmed...still am. If ever there were two people more excited about a child it was Jennifer and Trey. They have had such a difficult time going through the whole experience of seeing their baby via ultrasound and having to live through a chemically induced DNC the past few days. We are so heartbroken for them, but know that God's ways are not our ways. His Word tells us in Matthew 5:4, that "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." I am encouraged by Jennifer's thoughts when I read her blog posts at Shenemannews.blogspot.com and Trey's thoughts when I read his blog at the whirlingderbisher.blogspot.com. They both are in pain, but they both also know who brings the relief from that pain. God bless Jennifer, Trey, David, Theresa, Joe, Mike, Jay, and Paddy.