All I can say is that I did my part! The problem as I see it is not one of Democrat or Republican, liberal or is a problem of ignorance and complacency. I am to blame as much as anyone. I am part of the problem and have not been a active part of the solution. It is up to each of us to be educated and to really make a fast determination on what our values are...what we will stand for and what we will not stand for. I don't need to put validity in what all the pundits and analysts say without having first done my own personal studies and evaluations. We can't put all our apples in one basket. The truth is if the vote of everyone under 30 years old were taken out of the election...Obama would have still been elected, so we can't blame it on the uninformed young voter. The truth is that if every African American vote was taken out of the equation....Obama would still have been elected, so we can't say that it was strictly the race vote that elected him. Again, and this is only my opinion....America does want change. America voted for change and they got change...or did they? Will there be higher taxes? Sure there will be. Will he eliminate spending by going line for line through the budget and eliminate wasteful spending?? I don't think so, but that's just me. Will he bring the troops home? I don't believe he will waste any time and this one thing will be what he hangs his hat on to reduce spending. The problem is....terrorists will view him as weak and we will have to start looking over our shoulders again. Will he appoint liberal judges.......take it to the bank.
Have you stopped and wondered where all Obama's campaign money came from?? Do you not think for one moment that any of it didn't come "washed" through Muslim countries?? Is that too absurd to believe?
Make sure you kiss your loved ones goodbye each time you part and make sure that you tell them you love them each chance you get. There were over 3,000 Americans that lost their lives in the World Trade Center. On that fateful morning...did they?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Nervous Wreck
Ok, I admit it. I don't want Barack Obama elected President. To be honest, I was a big Mike Huckabee fan and still am. I love Sarah Palin and believe she would be a breath of fresh air and would actually get some things done the average Washington politician can't. I believe John McCain has some admirable qualities...primarily that he would protect our country and the lives of my children and grandchildren at all costs. Barack Obama...I don't get it! Where there is smoke...there is FIRE!! His associations with people like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Resko, Khadali....c'mon y'all!!!! Surely there is some smoke there!!
Regardless of the fact that he is a ultra liberal...he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the national fact...he wants to change the national anthem to "I want to teach the world to sing." Are you freaking kidding me!!! Do you realize how many people have died for our national anthem? He might as well go to Arlington or the Vietnam Veteran's memorial and spit on the gravestones or names engraved on the wall. If for no other reason...HE HAS A MUSLIM NAME!! Does anybody not remember 9-11?
Whatever! I'm praying the trumpet sounds and the eastern sky opens and I'm at home in heaven! God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for a whole lot less than what we allow in America today.
By the way, there is some significance in the watermelon picture!

Whatever! I'm praying the trumpet sounds and the eastern sky opens and I'm at home in heaven! God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for a whole lot less than what we allow in America today.
By the way, there is some significance in the watermelon picture!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tag...You're It!
I was "tagged" in Stacey's Blog, so now I am suppose to tell you 7 things you may not know about me. This will be difficult as the reason you don't know these things about me is because I may not want you to know.
1. When I was about 14 years old, I had a friend of mine over to camp out in the backyard. Mom and Dad also had some friends over and they were pretty well intoxicated, so I took some of the wine they were drinking and JoJo and I had our own party. I got so drunk and very sick and never had a real taste for wine ever again.
2. When I was 14/15 years old, I would wait until mom & dad were asleep and I would sneak out of the house and take one of the cars for a joy ride. I did this many, many, many times and was very, very, very fortunate not to get in a accident or to get caught.
3. The night I was inducted into Delta Upsilon Fraternity, I drank 19 12 oz. beers in one mug at one time and that is why I have never really been fond of beer. (notice a trend here?)
4. I have loved a woman 3 times in my life, but I have only ever BEEN IN LOVE with one Debbie.
5. One of my greatest desires is for personal approval and affirmation in my life from those I care about and I believe that stems from the way I was raised. I don't really ever remember any verbal affirmation from my dad growing up.
6. When I was in law enforcement, there were many times that I came into contact with people that had small amounts of marijuana in their possession and I would confiscate the drugs, destroy it, and let the people go.
7. I wish I could go back in time and start my life all over at about 12 years old.
1. When I was about 14 years old, I had a friend of mine over to camp out in the backyard. Mom and Dad also had some friends over and they were pretty well intoxicated, so I took some of the wine they were drinking and JoJo and I had our own party. I got so drunk and very sick and never had a real taste for wine ever again.
2. When I was 14/15 years old, I would wait until mom & dad were asleep and I would sneak out of the house and take one of the cars for a joy ride. I did this many, many, many times and was very, very, very fortunate not to get in a accident or to get caught.
3. The night I was inducted into Delta Upsilon Fraternity, I drank 19 12 oz. beers in one mug at one time and that is why I have never really been fond of beer. (notice a trend here?)
4. I have loved a woman 3 times in my life, but I have only ever BEEN IN LOVE with one Debbie.
5. One of my greatest desires is for personal approval and affirmation in my life from those I care about and I believe that stems from the way I was raised. I don't really ever remember any verbal affirmation from my dad growing up.
6. When I was in law enforcement, there were many times that I came into contact with people that had small amounts of marijuana in their possession and I would confiscate the drugs, destroy it, and let the people go.
7. I wish I could go back in time and start my life all over at about 12 years old.
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