Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It has been awhile....December 26 to be exact. Time flies! What's happening?
First and foremost....dieting. Time to get my body and some of my health back. I started Weight Watchers online 2 weeks ago. We have a contest going at work and there are 14 of us participating. If I had none the Weight Watcher's program was so easy, I would have started it years ago. I'm down 10 lbs. in my 2nd week weigh-in on yesterday and that is exciting. I've continued to eat a lot of the things I like and as long as I watch my points, it's all good. I have really laid off the sweets, bread...the soft drinks I have had are diet. I don't like diet drinks that much so my drinks of choice are usually water or coffee. I have a goal and that goal is to be down 60 lbs. by the time we go to the beach on July 3. Sounds like a lot and sounds unrealistic, but I'm committed to the "college try." I'm not sure I can average 5 lbs. a week, but even at 2.5 lbs. a week, I will lose over 50 lbs.. Trey is dieting as well and I am so proud of my son for putting his health in "priority" status. We're all "gym"ing it as well at least 3 times each week. Debbie and I were there Sunday afternoon and had the whole gym right to ourselves. Trey, Jennifer, and Stacey all have their own gyms and routines as well. (Joey, we know you have to stay home and watch the young ones.) When we hit the white sands of Florida this summer, we'll all be the combined "Lean Mean Sheneman Machine". (I include the Lancasters since Stacey is a Sheneman). I'm just sitting here waiting for Debbie to get home because I know the first words out of her mouth will be "are we going to the gym?" Never fails!
Work is tough right now and hitting the bike and weights is a great stress relief. If it were all proportionate, I would need to be at the gym for 4-5 hrs. each day! It's not that bad...thankfully surrounded by great people that care about me. We'll get there. You can eat an elephant...you just have to eat him one bite at the time.