Saturday, January 31, 2009

Passing The Torch!

Last night Trey and I had the opportunity to officiate some more basketball games together. Basketball has been a huge part of my life. I played in school and even after getting out of school in different Rec and Church leagues. I am addicted to ACC basketball and particularly my beloved Tarheels. I started officiating basketball on a whim in 1995 and absolutely became obsessed with it. For the past 14 years I have always looked forward to this time of year and being on the court with the kids.
Over the past few years I have had right much trouble with my hip. It bothers me more walking than it does running for some odd reason. No one can figure out what is going on. I've been to ortho guys and a neurosurgeon. Best they can tell it's a nerve issue because of something going on in my lower back. Bottom line is, it has now started bothering me when I run. It's hard enough to run at my age and at my weight....adding the hip problem just compounds it.
We only have the playoffs left this year and then I will reassess the future. It makes me so proud to have had the opportunity to call ball with my son. He is a natural and has natural abilities. I have encouraged him to take it to the next level, go to some camps, get some more experience. It's a great part-time's great exercise....and you get to stay close to a game you love. Is it time to pass the torch???
I guess I'll know next December!!!!

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