Ok, I admit it. I don't want Barack Obama elected President. To be honest, I was a big Mike Huckabee fan and still am. I love Sarah Palin and believe she would be a breath of fresh air and would actually get some things done the average Washington politician can't. I believe John McCain has some admirable qualities...primarily that he would protect our country and the lives of my children and grandchildren at all costs. Barack Obama...I don't get it! Where there is smoke...there is FIRE!! His associations with people like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Resko, Khadali....c'mon y'all!!!! Surely there is some smoke there!! Regardless of the fact that he is a ultra liberal...he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the national anthem...in fact...he wants to change the national anthem to "I want to teach the world to sing." Are you freaking kidding me!!! Do you realize how many people have died for our national anthem? He might as well go to Arlington or the Vietnam Veteran's memorial and spit on the gravestones or names engraved on the wall. If for no other reason...HE HAS A MUSLIM NAME!! Does anybody not remember 9-11?
Whatever! I'm praying the trumpet sounds and the eastern sky opens and I'm at home in heaven! God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for a whole lot less than what we allow in America today.
By the way, there is some significance in the watermelon picture!
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