Friday, September 5, 2008


Yesterday was a long, long day. I didn't sleep at all the night before, being in a motel room and away from home. I was excited after watching Sarah Palin's VP acceptance speech. I was up at 6AM and in class most of the day. Drove back to Madison and took the kids to dinner before finally getting home around 8PM. It was my goal to stay up and watch John McCain accept the Presidential nomination for the GOP, but......I crashed! What I do know getting up this morning is that the Presidential race is now a dead heat according to one poll I just heard, so I would say let the battle be joined.
I solicit your prayers this morning for Joey's mom and Stacey's mother-in-law, Linda Lancaster. She is at the hospital now having a biopsy done as a MRI has shown enlarged lymph nodes and a mass of some type on her spleen. May God's grace be sufficient and His will be done here on earth. I know that my God is bigger than any disease. He calls us to pray without ceasing and to pray BELIEVING. The faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain.

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