Saturday, August 30, 2008

Vacation IS OVER!

I had a very nice time in Wilmington visiting with my dad, my sisters, my brother-in-law, my nephews and other friends. As usual, the time goes by much too quickly. Pops and I were able to spend some quality time together and get a few things done around his house. Trey and Jennifer passed me on the way home as they are now there until Tuesday. I stopped in Madison and spent the night at Stacey's. Debbie met me there and we had a nice dinner and watched some TV, played with the kids, etc.. I got up early and came on back into McDonough as I wanted to get another coat of paint on the bedroom wall and finish some trimming opportunities.
College football is here!! Joey was at UGS's win today and I watched ECU upset Va. Tech (Yea Susan/MG) I'm now watching UVA get their butt kicked by USC. I've called my friends in Charlottesville that have a skybox at the stadium and hollered at them for a minute. Maybe UNC will actually have a team that can compete with UVA this year! They never did when I lived there and believe me I heard all about it each week.
Love my family and I so enjoyed my time with them this week.

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