Sunday, July 6, 2008

and the storms came....

the nation knows that the Atlanta area has been in a drought situation off and on, for years. It has gotten increasingly worse over the past 2 years for sure. Now we cannot wash our cars and can only water our lawns on certain days of the week. At the present, the Atlanta metro area has some very serious concerns as they are fed out of Lake Lanier which is currently about 15' below full pool. I heard on the news just the other day, that only 2 of 22 public dock facilities on Lake Lanier are currently usable. Fortunately, the five reservoirs for Henry County where we live are at full pool.
Anyway, coming home today from Madison, we hit some heavy thunderstorms. We all sat on the front porch and gloried in the rain and cool breezes for about an hour before it all moved away. Hopefully, the north got way more rain than we did since they need it so desperately.
I so enjoy my time with Tripp and Makinley. Tripp has some natural athletic abilities which include pretty keen hand/eye coordination...even at 26 months. He is all boy...wide open and runs on energy I wish I had 10% of. Makinley is our princess and has just started taking her first few steps. I can't wait to get them to the beach in a few weeks to see thier reaction to the waves and the sand. Our vacations are ever so special to me as we just get to hang out as a family. That is what it is all about to me.

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