Monday, October 20, 2008

Humor me please...

And you thought you had the greatest, smartest, funniest, and most beautiful grandchildren in the world? NOT!! I am blessed to have them. I don't think I do...I know I do! Everytime I see them they have learned something new and exciting. Now that they live a hour from us and we don't get to see them each day....I am amazed everytime I do get to see them as to how they have changed. Maybe they are a small bit taller, weigh a few ounces heavier, their hair is a few inches longer...fact of the matter is...they are changing so quickly. Tripp is all boy and Makinley is all little girl....they compliment each other. It reminds me how it must have been with my mom raising my baby sister and I so many years ago. I have a faint memory of my Grandfather Sheneman taking me out on his porch one night and showing me the full moon. I couldn't have been much older than Tripp is now. Unfortunately, he died when I was only a few years old so I never got to know him and this is the only real memory I have of him. I know he loved me and I can only imagine how he must have felt when I was born....a Sheneman male to carry on his legacy.
Granddad...I hope I've made you as proud of me as I am of my grandchildren.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


It's official in my book. The nation has been deceived...duped if you will. We took God out of everything...including many churches. Now, we face a future where He will be removed from everything else. It's just a matter of time and time in this not infinite. We'll wake up in the not too distant future and Big Brother will be camped out on our front porch. Don't's happening right before our eyes, but the problem is.....America has been blinded and you know's already been written! Read The Book! Read the end of The Book! Read it before you aren't allowed to read it anymore. The times we are living in should not surprise the believer. We are challenged to live "ready" because we know He will return like a thief in the night. No man knows the day or the hour, but we can be prepared to meet Him. Are you prepared? Are you ready? To choose not to choose is to choose!! We should be ashamed that we have not stood up and our voices heard. We have allowed the liberals...the have their way and it is on the verge of getting so much worse. We have forgotten so many lessons You sought to teach us. How soon the nation has forgotten 9/11. Thank you President Bush for your efforts to protect us since that fateful day. We should all be eternally grateful to you for our safety and that of our families. Thanks to all the brave military men and women protecting me and mine day in and day out.

Lord, how soon? Come quickly! You destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for so much less!