Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm not sure there is anything else that I can hear about the Presidential election that will surprise me. Last night, we were listening to the news and they were interviewing some 18 year old kid that had voted "73" times in Ohio already for OBAMA because of the efforts of ACORN. Of course, this is just one more affiliation that Darth Barack has in his past that the main stream media elects to sweep under the carpet. Let's see...Ayers, Wright, Farakan, Resco!! Am I the only one that sees this guy as the liberal radical that he obviously is?? I am convinced the vast majority of Americans are spiritually blinded. There is no way...at least in my mind....that a born again believer is not looking towards the eastern sky everyday waiting for the trumpet to sound. If we aren't on a fast track to the end times...then I am Popeye. Is anybody really listening to this rhetoric? Has anybody really looked at his history? Heck, I am not savvy when it comes to politics, but I am intelligent enough to do my own research and homework. I was talking to a work colleague the other day and I mentioned all the brave men and women that had died in Iraq and Afghanistan protecting our freedoms and he told me in no uncertain terms, "they didn't die for my freedom." I was incredulous. What? "They didn't die for my freedom because they are fighting a illegal war that the American people didn't approve."
WHAT? Are you crazy?
I pray the day never comes that a terrorist bomb doesn't blow up in the school yard where his children play.
Therein lies the problem!! People are uninformed and thus, IGNORANT!!!
Get off the couch and vote! get off the couch and encourage others to vote! MOST IMPORTANTLY...get off the couch and GET ON YOUR KNESS AND PRAY THAT GOD GIVES US ONE MORE CHANCE TO GET IT RIGHT!