Friday, September 19, 2008

When the storms come....

We've all watched thunderstorms build in the distant on a hot, summer afternoon. The clouds seem to stretch as high as the eye can see. They become darker and more and more threatening. As the storm approaches the temperature changes and the winds move in stronger and stronger. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls. First comes a light sprinkle and as the storm gets closer and closer, the raindrops get bigger and more frequent. Soon the lightning is on top of us and the rain comes in torrents.
While all of this happens here, God looks at it from a different perspective. His Son still shines! He sees the tunderstorm from the top side where the clouds are white and fluffy. He knows that soon the storm will pass. His Son has never moved...never changed...always right there to bring back the light that we each need for survival, for warmth, for Life.
We all go through storms in our lives....some much darker and more sinister than others. Aren't you thankful that tomorrow brings a new day....aren't you thankful His Son always shines.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Yesterday was very restful. We had a awesome worship time in choir yesterday morning. Debbie made it home around 11:30 a.m. from Stacey's. I got a great nap in while she went to the grocery store. I'm reading a very interesting book called "Riven" and I was able to get through a few chapters of that. We had a meeting to go to at church prior to choir practice and then we stopped and got a bite to eat before going home.
Friday evening I attended a ELCA football game with my friend, Bubba. For those of you who keep up with my blog will recognize Bubba as being the friend who had a tough row to hoe a few weeks back with a heart attack and open heart surgery...kidney issues, etc.. He is doing very well and went back to work last week. We had a great time at the game watching some good football and just catching up on his new granddaughter, class reunion, and other things. So far so good on his kidney function and he is not having to do dialysis.
Jennifer is in Florida visiting family, so Debbie and I have the house to ourselves until tomorrow. Trey has a follow up visit with his surgeon tomorrow. Stacey's mother-in-law starts her chemo this week. Much to be thankful for and much to be in prayer for as well.